På goda grunder
No student nation has such a wide variety of associations as Norrland's nation.
Norrlands has an incredibly rich social life and some of the different societies have been around for many decades and some close to centuries! Half are social societies in the form of fraternities and sororities, arranging dinners, parties and social events they focus their internal culture on specific parts of northern Sweden. The other half are cultural in nature and consist of two choirs, three orchestras (on classical and two big band), one theater, one photography and one athletics society. As you can see the variety and possibilities are endless!
There are certainly one or more society at Norrlands that is going to suit you!
Bg 5573-4008
Information about Pålningsgasken
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Grundförstärkning 2019
Nationshuset byggdes ursprungligen på en grund som vilar på närmare 100 långa träpålar. Sommaren 1887 hjälptes nationens då 175 medlemmar åt att för hand slå ned dessa pålar i Uppsalaleran. Trots detta gedigna arbete och motåtgärder 1970 sjönk huset och var sakta men säkert på väg snett ner i Fyrisån...